(Letra: A. A. Milne / Música: Harold Fraser-Simson)

"In the dark" es el título de uno de los poemas infantiles incluidos en el libro "Now we are six" (1927), cuya autoría debemos a Alan Alexander Milne (1882-1956). La obra se encuadra en la serie de creaciones literarias protagonizadas por el osito Winnie the Pooh, el más célebre de los personajes salidos de la pluma de Milne.
La composición de Milne fue musicada, como hiciera en otras muchas ocasiones con los textos del autor, por Harold Fraser-Simson (1872-1944).
"In the dark"
I've had my supper, // And had my supper, // And had my supper and all; // I've heard the story // Of Cinderella, // And how she went to the ball.
I've cleaned my teeth, // And I've said my prayers, // And I've cleaned and said them right; // And they've all of them been
And kissed me lots, // They've all of them said 'Good-night.'//

So here I am in the dark alone, // There's nobody here to see; // I think to myself, // I play to myself, // And nobody knows what 1 say to myself; // Here I am in the dark alone, // What is it going to be?
I can think whatever I like to think, // I can play whatever I like to play, // I can laugh whatever I like to laugh, // There's nobody here but me.

I'm talking to a rabitt... // I'm talking to the sun... // I think I am a hundred? // I'm onI'm lying in a forest… // I'm lying in a cave… // I'm talking to a Dragon… // I'm BRAVE.
I'm lying on my left side… // I'm lying on my right… // I'll play a lot to-morrow… //……………………I'll think a lot to-morrow…
I'll laugh… // a lot… // to-morrow…

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